
Donation letter

Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your interest in donating to our General Hospital ”Dr. Ivo Pedišić” in Sisak, that was damaged in the powerful earthquake which occurred on 29th December 2020. 
Abut the hospital
Organized healthcare in Sisak has been provided for 215 years. General Hospital ”Dr. Ivo Pedišić” in Sisak is a general county hospital that provides healthcare to residents of Sisak-Moslavina county, but also many patients from other counties. It was built as a pavilion-type hospital and it operates in two towns, Sisak and Petrinja, in three different locations. The central location is in Sisak, 59 Josip Juraj Strossmayer street, where the greatest part of healthcare services is available. The hospital provides healthcare to all age groups, from infants to the elderly population. The hospital successfully collaborates with The University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatian Catholic University and Secondary School for Nurses and Medical Technicians in Sisak.
For the last couple of years, the hospital has intensively been working on the modernization of its infrastructure on all locations, as well as its clinical and business processes. The construction and setup of the Central Hospital Pavilion are planned, where, among other things, the Joint Emergency Department and Day Hospital are planned.

Condition after the earthquake of December 29th 2020
The earthquake disturbed the regular schedule of healthcare services in the hospital, it caused different degree damages to hospital buildings and wards and exposed the employees and patients to extremely high stress. After the first day and the inflicted shock, post-earthquake technical inspection and the estimate of the hospital pavilions’ statics were made. Structural engineers have concluded that in the green category (usable) are the buildings of gynaecology, general surgery, ophthalmology, and hemodialysis. Those buildings are returning to the original state after minor repairs and clearing of debris. Other buildings suffered significant damage and are completely out of function until further notice.
To provide healthcare services to the residents of the county and all the people who gravitate towards the hospital, in the safe parts of hospital premises basic healthcare services have promptly been established for admission of emergency patients of all age groups. Crucial equipment and furniture from the facilities in the red category (unusable) have been taken
care of. During the next couple of days, first regular infirmaries have been set up. At the moment, all hospital activities are being established in less than 20% of previous hospital locale capacity which meets the safety conditions in the newly arisen conditions.
Plans and vision
After the main functions of our institution have been reestablished, the recovery process begins. The analysis of consequences, establishing the needs and defining priorities are being conducted with the help of Zagreb School of Medicine experts that have been cooperating with us on the projects of strategical development and planning at the hospital level. 
A coordination centre has been established, which enables connection and coordination of all activities and management systems to be implemented, now, in this initial recovery period, as well as in the following period of planning and implementation of activities directed towards continuous development.
We want the recovery process to simultaneously be the continuation of the development of the hospital, the investment in state of the art equipment and solutions, not just the restoration of former infrastructure. We aim at a strategic plan to integrate health resources in the entire county that will be compatible with needs and possibilities of the Republic of Croatia that
follows the health policy of the EU 2021-27.
We are motivated, now more than ever, to actively and systematically work on accomplishing this vision, to benefit all residents of Sisak and Moslavina County as well as all hospital employees.
Being aware of the great uncertainty and challenges that await us in the forthcoming period, we invite you to become a part of the process of fulfiling our vision.
The donator contact e-mail address is donacije@obs.hr, and the contact person for more information, Ms Jasenka Štampalija Janković, mr. dipl. oec. can be reached on: +385(0)44553236 and +385(0)992183927

In an effort to make the process of collecting donations transparent and clearly structured, please, firstly fill in the following donators form to become a part of Donators Address Book. After receiving your form, we will contact you as soon as possible to mutually organize the following steps.
A bank account for financial donations to the hospital has been opened in OTP Bank: IBAN: HR1524070001500013312, BIC: OTPVHR2X.

Sincerely, in the name of all hospital employees,
Mr.sc. Tomislav Dujmenović, dr. med.
Director of the General Hospital ”Dr. Ivo Pedišić” Sisak
In Sisak, January 13th, 2021